Stand Out with Your Answers to These Interview Questions
The number of questions that can be asked by Human Resources or the
hiring manager is limitless. Here are some of the most popular questions
and my thoughts on how to answer them.
1. Tell me about yourself
One of the most common questions in an interview is “Tell me about
yourself.” Actually, it is not even a question--it is an invitation. It
is an opportunity to share with the interviewer whatever you think is
important in their hiring decision.
More importantly, it is your chance to differentiate yourself from other
candidates. In most cases, the standard questions offer the same
2. Where do you see yourself in five years?
Employers don’t necessarily care to hear that you expect to climb the
corporate ladder and be a supervisor. If the job you’re interviewing for
is not a supervisor, they probably aren’t concerned about your
management skills. You can share how you’ve been a mentor to others and
led projects with little to no supervision. That should indicate you
have leadership potential.
Focus on them: In five years, you should have made a significant impact
to the company’s bottom line. Think about how you can achieve this in
the role you’re interviewing for. In technology careers, advancing your
skills is important, too. You should be able to share what areas you
want to strengthen in the near term (but be careful that they are not
areas of expertise that the company needs now).
3. Why should we hire you?
This is a differentiation question. What you want to tell them is: they'd be crazy not to they hire you.
Focus on them: You need to only share how you meet almost all the
criteria they seek, and also have two to three additional abilities that
they might not even know they need…yet. They need to know you are a
candidate who can not only meet their needs now, but will also be
valuable for where they want to go in the future.
Are they likely to need another skill set as they grow as a company?
Or maybe you have skills that you noticed are in another job description they are looking to fill?
You can help out with those deliverables until they find someone (or be a backup to the person they hire).
Have you been down a path already that they are currently starting?
Having “lessons learned” to offer them is a very strong plus for a job
4. Why do you want to work here?
The answer to this question has two aspects: the content and the delivery.
Focus on them:
Content -- Employers want to know you feel you can fit in at the company
quickly. That means not only deliverables in the job description, but
also your fit with the company culture. You will likely have to do some
homework to answer this one. You need to understand the reasons why
others enjoy working there. Is it a great place to advance your skills,
have great challenges to add to your resume, or will it allow you to
grow as a professional?
Delivery -- The delivery must be genuine. If a hiring manager feels
you’re just “telling them want they want to hear,” but don’t mean
it…well, the interview is over in their mind. They want to know this is
not just a job and paycheck. They want to hear this is what you want to
do and the best place to do it.
5. What do you know about us?
This is actually a test. If you know very little, it is an indication that you are not very serious about working there.
Focus on them: Candidates who are really excited about the prospect of
working there have done their homework. If you really want to stand out,
learn more than what is listed on their web site. Do some heavy
research—perhaps find some articles on the company that not many would
know about. It may even come up in conversation spontaneously, and you
can show them a copy of the article (I have had this happen to me).
6. How do people describe you?
Here’s another opportunity to differentiate yourself. Everyone claims to
be: a hard worker, good communicator, and team player. But how many are
a: problem-solver, game-changer, leader in the industry? Be creative,
and have stories to back it up. The interviewer will want to know why
someone thinks you are one of these things.
Focus on them: You want to present attributes that make you sound like
the go-to guy or gal wherever you work. Even the standard answers can be
taken a step further to be more valuable:
Yes, they want hard workers, but most likely that’s commonplace at their
office. Maybe you work hard, but also help others work fewer hours (by
helping them do their job better or making their jobs easier).
Good communicators are everywhere. But this doesn’t mean just speaking
well. It includes listening. Do you hear things that others don’t? Do
you understand things quickly? Can you figure out what people are trying
to tell you through other clues (body language, for example)?
Being a good team player is expected, too. But what does this really
mean? Getting along with everyone? That’s not hard to do if you’re a
nice person. Pulling your weight in the office? Again, expected. What
have you done, beyond your job description, that saved the team from a
disaster or helped them make an impossible deadline? Have you won an
award for this?
7. What is your greatest strength/ greatest weakness?
Your greatest strength is something they need. Don't choose something
irrelevant to the job or the employer, like your skill in sudoku (unless
that is a requirement for this job).
Focus on them: You have many strengths, but pick the one they need help
with the most. Is it your expertise in a particular skill? Is it your
ability to turn low-performing teams into high performers? Share
something that makes them think they need to hire you…right now.
I hate the “greatest weakness” question. Everyone knows it’s a trap, and
everyone knows the candidate is going to say something trite (popular
example: "I’m a perfectionist"). When you give a real answer, you are
being genuine. You are admitting you have some growth opportunities and
are not perfect. But you can include that you already have a plan to
overcome this weakness through training or practice.
Some people even insert a little humor in their answer—“I wish I was
better at tennis.” You can, too, if you feel like the interviewer has a
sense of humor. But, be sure to quickly follow with a serious answer.
Showing you have a lighter side is usually a good thing.
8. When can you start?
Be careful about this question for a few reasons:
It doesn’t mean that you “got the job.” They may be just checking to add
that to their notes. You must keep your guard up until you are in your
car and driving away from the interview.
If you are currently employed, you should be honest about the start date
and show professionalism. You should tell them you would have to
discuss a transition with your current company to see if they require a
two-week notice (or some other timing). If you currently have a critical
role, your potential new employer would expect a transition period.
If you can start right away (and they know you are not currently
employed), you certainly can say you’re able to start tomorrow. Sense of
urgency and excitement about starting work at the new company is always
a good thing.
9. How did you find this job?
You may have found the opportunity through research on ideal jobs where
you can make the most impact and hope to grow professionally. I would
also hope you looked for companies that you feel meet your standards for
corporate culture, investment in employees, successful business model
(or perhaps giving back to community), and any other aspects you feel
are important to you. Make sure you can go into a little detail on what
you found in your research.
The “job” may have found you. In that case, you can say you were
contacted by HR or a recruiter who felt you were a good fit. But don’t
leave it there. You should still mention you did your homework and
verified that this is right for you -- as a potential contributor to the
company’s success, and as a good match for what you’re looking for in
an employer.
10. Why do you want this job?
There should be a heartfelt answer on this one. Your gut should be
giving you the answer. Although, if the reason is about money, location,
work schedule, benefits, and other factors not tied to actual role, you
may want to think a little more about your answer. None of those
reasons are important to the hiring manager.
Focus on them: They want to hear that this job is exactly what you’ve been thinking about as a next step in your career.
Of course, the follow-up question they’ll ask is: How so?
Be prepared to answer that with your rationale for how this job meets
your professional needs and how you can contribute at your highest
potential while in this role. People want to feel like their work means
something. There is nothing wrong with sharing that feeling in a
thoughtful way.
11. Why do you want to leave your current job?
This can be a deal-breaker question. Obviously:
If you say you hate your current boss or company, the interviewer will naturally believe you will hate them eventually.
If you say, your current compensation or role is below your standards, they will again assume the worst.
Although these may be legitimate reasons to leave a job, there must be
other reasons, too. Your current company or department may have become
unstable (hopefully the interviewer’s company is very stable). Your
current employer may not be able to offer you any professional growth
(the interviewer’s should be able to do this).
Do you see a pattern here? Highlight a reason that the hiring manager cannot be concerned about.
Of course, if you have an issue that is very important to you that could
be a deal-breaker (like company culture), you can mention it. Just be
prepared for them to take one extreme or the other. For example, maybe
you only want to work for companies that buy from vendors in your home
country. The hiring manager will let you know if their company does
this. And if they don’t, I guess the interview is over.
12. Why did you quit your last job?
This is a tough one. Typically, you should not quit a job until you have
accepted another job. However, life doesn’t always allow that to
happen. Did you quit because you couldn’t spend enough time looking for
your next job? Perhaps the company you worked for was close to shutting
down and you didn’t want to waste valuable time waiting for the last day
of operation.
Certainly, there are common reasons that are understood as necessity:
Had to move to a new location for various reasons.
Family or health reasons.
Unbearable work conditions (careful here, as already discussed).
The key to answering this question is to keep it short. Don’t feel the need to expand your answer to include a lot of details.
13. Why were you fired?
This is another danger zone. This is not the time for defending yourself with a long story about you being the victim.
If you made a mistake, you are going to have to try to minimize the
severity of the situation. An argument with a boss could be described as
a difference in opinion. Not following orders because your moral
compass told you not to could be described as “taking the high road.”
Just be careful not to cast blame on others. Consider including a
“silver lining.” Did you learn a lot from the experience and now possess
knowledge that will mitigate the chances of this happening again?
Laid off is not fired: If you were part of a layoff, this is different
from being fired. It was likely a financial decision by management, and
you were part of a group that was targeted as part of budget cuts.
Layoffs are typically not personal -- they are just business. Hiring
managers know this (and likely have been involved in one at some point
in their careers).
14. Explain your gap in employment
I’ve dedicated a whole article to this topic. The bottom line is you
should make sure to paint a picture that you were productive, improving
yourself, helping family, or something constructive.
Hiring managers don’t want to hear that you felt it was time for a
“long-awaited break from the rat-race.” Or "time to recharge your
batteries." The first thought that will pop into their heads: When is
your next break coming? Probably in the middle of a big project we’re
working on.
15. Do you have any questions?
My simple advice is: yes, you had better have questions. When I hired
people to work on my teams in the past, I expected interviewees to have
This is your chance to “interview the interviewer.” In essence, to learn
about the company, the role, the corporate culture, the manager’s
leadership style, and a host of other important things. Candidates who
are genuinely interested in the opportunity, ask these types of
questions. Those who don’t ask questions give the impression they’re
“just kicking the tires” or not really too concerned about getting the
When given the floor to ask questions, you should realize the interview
is not over yet. Good candidates know this is another time to shine. It
is imperative that you ask questions that do three things:
Show you did some research about the company.
Mention something else (related, but interesting) about you.
Will have an interesting answer or prompt a good discussion.
After you have had a chance to ask your questions, you will want to
validate that you are an ideal candidate for the job. To do this, you
should probe into the minds of the interviewers and see if there are any
concerns they have about you.
The key question to do this can be along the lines of:
“After discussing this job, I feel as if I would be a perfect fit for
it. I’m curious to know if there is anything I said or DID NOT say that
would make you believe otherwise.”
The answer you get to this question may open the door to mentioning
something you did not get to talk about during the interview or clarify
any potential misconception over something that was covered. You may not
get a chance to address shortcomings in a follow-up interview -- it is
imperative to understand what was missing from the discussion while
still in the interview.